Climate Tick-Tock/Climate Tic-Tac

Type: Analog Board/Videogame

Theme: Climate

Creator: Bioviva – François Dulac (Project Manager)

Will you keep the planet liveable until the end of the century? Come to have fun while possibly learning about this stressing topic. Players discuss possible actions among their respective hand of cards to face the situation. To win, they have to collectively keep below thresholds both the atmospheric CO2 concentration and the number of world cities made uninhabitable following damage accumulation by random hazards. Fun challenges can be attempted to improve action results.

Photo credit

The game is fully based on current knowledge on causes and impacts of climate change and possible mitigation and adaptation measures at various scales. The project team has been awarded the CNRS Medal for scientific mediation. English and French versions are available. Warm the mood, not the planet!

The board game version  

The video game version

This game is associated with this presentation in the Games for Geoscience session.


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